
Monday, May 17, 2010

Natural Inspiration: Tempest Bledsoe

Tempest Bledsoe has appeared to be natural most of her life. I remember watching her on the Cosby Show when she was a teenager and she was rocking the geometric natural hairstyle that was popular in the eighties. Her head full of hair has been an inspiration of mine. I really appreciate how she will wear it in the twist out state or the cornrows. She inspires me because she was a natural when not many people thought it was the thing to do. Despite this she was proud of her natural coils and is rocking them to this day. I aspire to wear my natural hair for the rest of my life--just as she seems to do.


  1. When my hair grows out I will absolutely rock this hair style! Perhaps by the end of the year I will have enough to duplicate it on a small scale! Very nice pic! You have a pretty cool blog. I just love pictures!

  2. Thank you so much, Nicole! And I'm sure your hair is gonna rock with this style:-)
