
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Transitioning My Life and My Hair (About Me)

My name is Constance Marie and I have currently been natural for about a month. I transitioned for 10 months and did my Big Chop on April 5, 2010 with the help of my older and fellow natural sister, Alison. I decided to start this blog to keep track of my natural hair journey, the creative styles I want to try, the best products for my 4B hair, and other topics relating to the natural world. I know I am not a certified professional on hair, however; I feel it would be nice to understand what works for me and what doesn't work for me. You never know..I may end up helping someone out:)

I chose to go natural because at the age of 25 I realized I was constantly trying to please others. I dressed for others, wore my hair for others, had a certain personality for others, etc. And despite doing all of this I was still a horribly insecure person. The Lord gave me an awakening one day and I realized I could not continue to live my life seeking to please others and not putting my Lord, Jesus Christ first. Therefore, I began my transition of my life by transitioning to natural hair. Since 2004 I have had an interest in being natural but, rejected it because I listened to what others thought such as friends, ex-boyfriend, family, etc. However, I am blessed to have learned to accept the natural beauty that was given to me by my Lord. No longer would I conform His work for man. And this is where my natural journey begins...

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