
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sealing Hair Ends

Since becoming natural, I have learned that it is important to seal the ends of my hair. The reasons that we should seal our hair is because the ends of the hair are the oldest. Because they're the oldest parts of the hair, they experience breakage and dryness more than the other parts of the hair. Natural Chica ( uses Shea Butter to seal her hair ends and I think this is great. For example, from a previous post I noted that Shea Butter is great for giving moisture to the hair and helping to retain moisture in the hair. Olive Oil is also a great moisturizer to the hair. For this reason, I mix in Shea Butter and Olive Oil (about half and half). I will then put in the microwave for about 30 seconds to a minute. And then I would take it out and let it set. This allows for me to have a soft supple shea butter/olive oil mixture.

After I take down my braids from the previous night, I will take my mixture and rub it between my hands and apply it to the ends of my hair. This really helps to diminish the amount of brittle and dry ends significantly. It is also very important that we stick to a routine of sealing our hair, which is why I do it every morning when taking down my braids.

It should be noted, that split ends are going to occur no matter what. And for this reason I can see myself trimming my hair twice a year. However, we can reduce the amount of split ends and brittle ends by sealing our hair.

Sealing the hair also ensures that we will retain length--if that is what we are going for.

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