
Friday, July 16, 2010

A Staple Product: Grape Seed Oil

I must admit that I have never really thought about grapeseed oil until my hair loss. It was suggested on some sites/blogs/vlogs that grapeseed oil really helps with hair loss. It was for this reason that I bought it.

I initially used grapeseed oil on my scalp, but this did not work out at all. See...grapeseed oil is a very lightweight oil (not like the EVOO or the cocount oil). The oil was running down my face ALL DAY. I felt like I had a Jheri Curl and the juice kept leaking. I thought maybe I used too much and the sun (I was at a cookout) was making it do this. So, then I put on a lighter amount. It was still running down my face (and this time I was in a building). My sister, Alison, was like "you have something on your face". Aargh! So, then I thought maybe I should only use the oil in that spot--where the hair loss is. And it still leaked onto my forehead! I said, "I can't do this. I don't want to walk around with a cloth to soak up the oil on my face/neck." So, I stopped using it all together. But, since I am a thrifty chick I started thinking maybe I could use this oil for something else. I now apply it to my hair after my twists have been put in and on the twisted out hair. It works wonderfully for application to the hair only--NOT the scalp. And I still use a small amount. I simply spray it into my hands, rub them together, and gently distribute it through my hair. It gives my hair a nice sheen and makes it feel so soft. The brand of Grapeseed oil I use is Spectrum Grape seed oil.
These are some of the known benefits of Grapeseed Oil:
Grapeseed oil is popular because it is odorless and full of minerals and vitamins that help strengthen your hair. It is an odorless oil, and can help add shine and moisture to your hair. Grapeseed oil is known for having a high content of linoleic acid, an important fatty acid that supports cell health.( Also, because it is lightweight it is better able to penetrate the scalp.

My pros:
1. Gives a great sheen to the hair without weighing it down.
2. It claims to strengthen the hair (I still need to use it over a period of time to note any change). I am seeking to have stronger hair.
3. It is odorless and does not compete with any scents from my other oils or perfumes.
4. Provides moisture to the hair and therefore, makes my hair feel so soft!

My cons:
1. May be too lightweight for the scalp because it will run into the face/neck. Not a great oil for the scalp.
2. This oil has a relatively short shelf life of 10-12 weeks. So make sure you put the date that you bought it on the bottle.

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