
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Great Linkage: Learn How to Do French Braids on Short & Coily Hair

I have really been wanting to wear french braids in my hair. I wanted to try them out when I first Big Chopped but, my hair was too short. I have a little extra length but, it was still difficult for me to french braid my hair (I tried this past weekend).
I know I do not have the same texture as the model's hair in this photo. However, I find hair inspirations from everywhere. Her hair is so elegant and beautiful--and so is she. This is why I adore french braids.

I think french braids are so classic and elegant. And it is such a low-maintenance style--once they are in. While on YouTube I found this video of this girl, Naptural85, who teaches how to do a french braid style on tightly coily shrunken hair. Her hair is longer than mine but, I am still going to try the style out.

Check out the link HERE.

This weekend I will be trying to french braid my hair again. However, I am going to try it on wet hair instead of dry (the dry hair was TOO tangled). I am going to first detangle the hair and then put the braids in. Hopefully, all will go well...

1 comment:

  1. HI I am American indian and turkisk male. I have straight hair and all ways wanted that 1 part 2 french braids with little tails left not all long braided ends just a little. Like in your first pic of you. you think it is to female looking ?
    Thanks for your time. My email is

