This blog focuses on my journey since going natural. Topics will range from hairstyles, product reviews, personal experiences, personal opinion, hair inspirations, and so much more...
Monday, November 15, 2010
How I Adore the Rain...and the Mist
Since Thursday I have been wearing a braid-out that was achieved by putting 8 cornrows in my hair. (I'll post the YouTube video for this later). On that Thursday and Friday I adored how big my hair was. So, on that Friday night I re-braided my hair and kept the braids in the entire day Saturday.
On Sunday, I took the braids down and wasn't really feeling my hair. It just looked so flat. I feel this is due to using the Cantu Shea Leave-in conditioner. My hair just does not like this stuff (I will definitely be doing a review on this later). A lady at my church even said "What did you do to your hair, it's not as big as it usually is? Did you blow dry it? But, it still looks good though. I mean your hair always look good." So, on Sunday night I just slept with my satin bonnet and hoped my hair would be bigger in the morning. It was not.
But, the Lord was on my side. It was raining that morning and after the rain there was a light mist in the air. My hair just sucked in this moisture and drew right on up! I looked in the mirror and oh how I loved my hair! It just looked big, full, and you could really see the texture of my hair. Being natural sure does have its perks:-)
On top of that, I received two enthusiastic compliments on the resulting big hair!
So can we get a picture of this awesome big hair? Thanks!