
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Being Natural Doesn't Have to be Complex or Hard

Photo source is {HERE}

I was just sitting here thinking and I started thinking about the vast amount of hair regimens out there. They are wide and varied. I constantly stay on the natural hair blogs and I love to read other ladies hair regimens. And even though I like to read them, I don't pick up everything everybody does. I found what works for me and I'm sticking to it. (Yes, I may test or try out different things but, its gotta pass the test to be put in my regimen. LOL)

So, I said all that to say this. Being natural does not have to be hard or complex. I've heard it before and I am sure you have too, "I would go natural but, its too much work" or "I don't have time for that". Etcetera, Etcetera.

But, I come here today to say it doesn't have to be hard. I feel like I have adopted a simple hair regimen and I don't spend all day everyday in my hair. I mainly like to wear protective styles (braids, twists, updos, etc.) and this means low manipulation of the hair. Once I put that style in at the beginning of the week its going to last me about 1-2 weeks. To maintain it I just have to spritz, oil, and seal. This take about 5-10 minutes--if that long. I wash my hair every 1-3 weeks and this works. I am not--nor have I ever been--a product junkie. I don't always need super defined hair. So, if I'm wearing "out" styles I don't re-twist or braid them. I let the hair do what it do. You can go to the page tab of "My Regimen" to see further details of my regimen. Simply put, I like to keep it simple.

Now, even though being natural definitely doesn't have to be hard or complex it doesn't mean that you don't do anything to your hair. I feel like any hairstyle you have requires maintenance and care. I don't care if it is relaxed or natural, bald or long, colored or uncolored. It's going to take work. But, work doesn't always have to be long or hard.

Find what works for you. Find out what you're willing to spend time on and what's not really necessary. Find out what products/treatments are best for your hair. Just do you. And I guarantee you your natural journey won't be so complex or hard.


  1. I totally agree sis! Natural hair does not have to be so hard. Someone very close to me is considering staying natural but she keeps saying she cannot do all that I do to my hair and that it's too much work...Quite frankly, I also love to keep things simple. The best way to do this, as you have correctly stated, is to find what works for YOUR hair and stick to it. If your regimen is working then don't try to fix it. And the best thing is, as time goes on, it only gets easier. What I used to do before and thought took forever seems like a breeze to me now!
    Thanks for sharing sis! This is a timely and great post!

