
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hair Today: Cornrows

As you know from my Fall/Winter Regimen I plan on keeping it simple this year and alternating between two-strand twists and cornrows. This is the week for cornrows. So, I plan on keeping this style in for 1 week. I will then take it out and two-strand twist it.

Yesterday I did the following:
1. Finger detangled
2. Individually braided hair in big sections (about 8) to wash
3. Shampooed hair with Giovanni Direct Moisture shampoo (I used their new Eco Chic line and I don't like it.)
4. Followed up with an oil rinse of 50:50 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
5. Co-washed with a Dollar General cheapie conditioner. I deep conditioned with the same conditioner for 30 mintues.
6. Took braids down, applied Suave Naturals in Coconut as a leave-in, and cornrowed.

This morning I:
1. Took off my satin scarf/bonnet
2. Pinned the ends under


  1. I wish my Mom would let me wear my hair like this...

  2. beautiful as always! I'm going to try this but I'm hopeless at making neat partings

  3. Thank you, laidies! @Hannah, I have a time with parting neatly also. LOL

  4. You did these yourself? Impressive. I could never learn to make clean parts.
