Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hair Inspiration: Sabrina Alashi

Actress, Sabrina Alashi, is stunning. Her hair, her smile, her skin, her eyes. She has like the total package. But, I am in awe of her hair. It's like she has the perfect hair cut and it fits her face beautifully.

Sabrina is currently part of the cast of Afro City, a web-based show. The fictional show focuses on four natural friends and their lives. You can check out their website {HERE}.

Sabrina did rock long natural hair at one time as you can see in the pic below. And though I feel she looks good with the long natural, I feel the short natural really brings out her natural beauty even more so.


  1. Love her hair!!

  2. She definitely looks fabulous with her natural hair cut short. :)

    The Cat Hag
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  3. Ms. Cee!! I just came across this blog via name googling!! Thanks for so much love! wow, I feel so honored! Your hair is absolutely gorge !!! You rock the natural very well. You give Solange some run for her Hair ;-)

    xoxo Thanks again and much L.o.v.E.


    PS LOL @afrocity.. wow thats so almost 3 years ago... but thanks for watching :))))

  4. Oh my goodness! You're so welcome, Sabrina. I feel so honored (and yes, starstruck) that you responded. Thank you so much for the compliment and for the response!

    This really made my day. I'm grinning from ear to ear :-D
